

What Causes Customers To Say ‘Yes’ & Take Action

By Eugene Peterson

The book, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, by Robert Cialdini, P. H. D, should be mandatory reading for anyone owning or operating a big construction company. It highlights six basic principles that cause people to say “yes” to your request. Not only do they say “yes,” but they take action and do something about it. 1st Principle – RECIPROCATION This is the good old give and take. I am obligated to give back to you what you have given to me. Invite me for lunch, I feel obligated to invite you for lunch. 2nd Principle – SCARCITY If I can’t have it, I want it. People want more of what they can’t have. 3rd Principle  – AUTHORITY If an expert says it – it must be true. The most powerful kind of expert or authority is one with both knowledge and trustworthiness. Establish a knowledge base first, then next – most difficult – become trusted. 4th Principle – CONSISTENCY People want to be consistent with what they have said publicly. People are significantly more willing to say yes to a request that is consistent with what they have already said or done.  5th Principle – CONSENSUS This is why it is so important to get third party testimonials of you and your company and broadcast them to the world. It is wonderful to be the best contractor, but unless the village knows about it, you will never be successful.  6th Principle – LIKING Of all the principles discussed so far, this by far is the most useful and easiest to use for the restoration contractor. It is a know fact that people say yes to those they know and like.  People do business with those they like and consider as their friends.


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